Brakes for Breasts Check Presentations

Grand Total: $1,864,180 over the Past 13 Years!

2023 Check Presentation

$233,113 Raised by 133 Independent Auto Repair Shops across 32 states  in 2023!

Check Presentation 2024 | Brakes For Breasts

Grand Total: $1,631,066.96 over the Past 12 Years!

2022 Check Presentation

$200,000 Raised by 106 independent Auto Repair Shops across 28 states in 2022!

Check Presentation | Brakes For Breasts

2021 Check Presentation

$239,032.34 Raised by 148 independent Auto Repair Shops across 37 states and 2 countries in 2021!

2020 Check Presentation

$250,102.79 Raised by 183 independent Auto Repair Shops across 35 states and 2 countries in 2020!

2019 Check Presentation

$194,160.04 Raised by 141 independent Auto Repair Shops across 38 states in 2019!

Check Presentation | Brakes For Breasts
2018 Check Presentation

2018 Check Presentation

$141,061.80 Raised by 138 independent Auto Repair Shops across 34 states in 2018!

Check Presentation | Brakes For Breasts
2017 Check Presentation

2017 Check Presentation

$114,389.20 Raised by 114 independent Auto Repair Shops across 34 states in 2017!

Check Presentation | Brakes For Breasts
2016 Check Presentation

2016 Check Presentation

$125,867.37 Raised by 131 independent Auto Repair Shops across 35 states in 2016!

2015 Check Presentation

$141,868.76 Raised by 174 independent Auto Repair Shops across 32 states in 2015!

2014 Check Presentation

$115,236.53 Raised by 136 independent Auto Repair Shops across 28 states in 2014!

2013 Check Presentation

$66,499.29 Raised by 66 independent Auto Repair Shops across 27 states in 2013!

2012 Check Presentation

$32,848.84 Raised by 27 Independent Auto Repair Shops across 16 states in 2012!

2011 Check Presentation

$10,000.00 Raised by 5 Independent Auto Repair Shops in the state of Ohio in 2011!